How To Apply For A Free Seat Under The Right To Education (RTE) In Karnataka

Right To Education (RTE) in Karnataka is an initiative to ensure that education is accessible to every child. On March 1, 2019 the Department of Public Instruction issued a notification under the provisions of the Right to Education (RTE) seeking applications from students for the LKG and 1st standard in the government schools, government aided schools and the private un-aided schools.

Right To Education In Karnataka

Under the scheme, 100% seats in the government schools, 95% seats in the government aided schools and 25% seats in the private un-aided schools are filled through the RTE.

Right To Education In Karnataka – Points To Remember

What Is RTE?

RTE is the buzz word nowadays. It is a right of children to get free and compulsory education. As per this act, free and compulsory education will be provided to all children of the age of six to fourteen years. Children can seek admission in any non-minority and non-aided schools.

In order to maintain transparency, seats will be distributed online. Submission of applications and allotment of seats everything will be done online. There is a huge demand for seats under RTE quota.

Generally, there will be more number of applications than the available seats. Thus the authorities will follow lottery method for the allocation of seats. But children belonging to the disadvantage group will get an exemption from this rule.

As per RTE Act, including CBSE, ICSE schools (except minority schools) and private schools should provide 25 percent free seats. If anybody violates this rule then their accreditation will be cancelled. If any private school denies permission for admission then they can file a in a Block Education Officer (BEO) or deputy director.

25 percent seat will be filled under RTI quota for nursery or first standard. Government will only bear the expenses of these children. If there is no nursery in the school then students will be directly admitted to first standard.

Private schools should provide seats to the economically weaker sections for their primary education based on the aid they receive from the government. State and Central government jointly bear the expenses of those children who sought admission under RTE in private schools.

Right To Education In Karnataka – The Rules For Admission

If there are any government schools nearby the resident of an applicant, s/he can’t seek seat under RTE in private school.

Applicant should select a private school which comes under his/her ward/village limits. In case of Bengaluru and other metropolitan cities an applicant can mention the name of five schools which is located in the same ward.

Either father or the mother should submit their Aadhar card for address proof. After Aadhar card verification, the application will be considered for admission.

Parents those who have not yet obtained their Aadhar card can submit their Aadhar receipt number. It will be considered for further procedure. The seat will be allotted based on a lottery method.

Where One Can One Submit The Online RTE Form?

Address proof will be confirmed after comparing Aadhar card details available in online. Similarly details of caste certificate and income certificate will be verified through that data available in internet.

Children who belong to the special category like the orphan, HIV affected, child of a transgender, child which needs special care, street child, child of a farmer who committed suicide due to draught should provide suitable certificates for the verification before seeking admission.

Right To Education In Karnataka – Documents Required

SL NoCategory Additional DocumentAuthority Who Provides DocumentsVerification authority
1Orphan childConfirmation should be provided in a format given by education departmentCDPO or BEOBlock Education Officer (BEO) or Deputy Director (Administration)
2HIV affected childGreen bookCertificates issued by different labs, district health officer or District SurgeonBlock Education Officer (BEO) or Deputy Director (Administration)
3Child which needs a special careMedical certificateDistrict surgeon, welfare officer of district directorate for physically challengedBlock Education Officer (BEO) or Deputy Director (Administration)
4Child of a transgenderMedical certificateDistrict surgeon or deputy director for women and child welfare departmentBlock Education Officer (BEO) or Deputy Director (Administration)
5 Migrated or street childCertificates which confirms child as a street childCDPO, BEO or labour inspectorBlock Education Officer (BEO) or Deputy Director (Administration)
5 aChildren of a farmers who committed suicide due to drought (applicable only after April 2015)A certificate issued by a committee which distributes compensation for farmer’s families in which farmer has committed suicideAdditional division officers and assistant director for agriculture. Block Education Officer (BEO) or Deputy Director (Administration)
6Scheduled CasteCaste certificateTahsildarDirector, Atalji Janasnehi Kendra
7Scheduled TribeCaste certificateTahsildarDirector, Atalji Janasnehi Kendra
8Category I, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b.Caste certificate and and income certificate. TahsildarDirector, Atalji Janasnehi Kendra
9Weaker sectionIncome certificate. TahsildarDirector, Atalji Janasnehi Kendra

First priority will be given to children who belong to category 1 to 5 (as mentioned above). If a school receives more application under this category, then seats should be allocated based on seniority. Remaining seats will be allotted through a lottery method.

While allotting seats for weaker sections, first priority should be given to the children whose annual family income is less than one lakh. After that second preference should be given to the children who come under the annual income category between INR one lakh to 3.5 lakhs. It will not apply for the students belong to Sc/ St and category 1.

If sufficient applications have not received for particular category, then that seats can be distributed to the students belong to other category.

An SMS alert will be sent to the parents about improper applications. Soon after the allotment of seat, parents/guardians should take a print out of the application and should contact the concerned schools.

As all the documents have verified before allotting the seat, there is no need for re-verification during admission. But Aadhar card is needed to identify the parents and the student.

RTE helpline will provide the required information to the parents. While allotting seats, priority will be given to the school of student’s choice. After admission/allotment there will be no chance to shift the school.

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