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Analysis pipeline for CUT&TAG data

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Step-by-step analysis pipeline for CUT&Tag data

Cebola Lab

All required programs required have been installed and are available in the CebolaLab CUTandTAG anaconda environment. If you are using anaconda, you can copy this into your own anaconda environments (on the Imperial College HPC, for example, this is located at /rdsgpfs/general/user/"$(whoami)"/home/anaconda3/envs/ ) and then source activate CUTandTAG . The pipeline can also be run without installing anaconda by directing the necessary scripts to the bin of the downloaded CUTandTAG environment (download the CUTandTAG directory and save it e.g. to your home directory).

For the following analysis, you can save your sample file name as base and the example scripts will access this variable using .

Pre-alignment QC

A common tool used to assess the quality of raw sequence reads is fastQC. The report, which comes in html format, can be used as guidance to the general quality of the data. Some failed or 'warning' results are usually not too concerning and can be improved using various processing tools. One metric which may be observed to fail is the Per base sequence content. As described by the CUT&Tag authors, this can result from a sequence preference of the Tn5 transposase or the 10bp periodicity in the length distribution and is not a cause for concern:


If using the Benchop CUT&Tag protocol, sequence length should be 25bp. With this length, there is not expected to be any contamination of adapters (which results when the sequence lenght is longer than the DNA fragment and so the sequencing extends into the adapter sequence). Adapter trimming, which is a common step in NGS pipelines, is not recommended unless the user has opted to sequence longer reads (>25bp).

Combine samples sequenced across multiple lanes

If any samples have been sequenced across multiple lanes, these should now be concatanated. For example:

cat _lane*_R1.fastq.gz > _R1.fastq.gz 
cat _lane*_R2.fastq.gz > _R2.fastq.gz 


Two alignments will be run to align the human DNA and carry-over E.coli DNA later used to standardise the samples. The alignment parameters are run as recommended by the CUT&Tag authors (see their pipeline). The authors recommend to skip adapter trimming and to run the alignments using bowtie2 with the below parameters, which should result in accurate read alignment. This pipeline aligns to the hg19 reference genome. If the user is aligning to the more recent GRCh38 release, it is recommended to remove alternative contigs, otherwise reads may not map uniquely and will consequently be assigned a low quality score. Suggested guidelines for preparing the GRCh38 genome are discussed in this tutorial. Two alignments are carried out:

  1. Align reads to the reference human genome (hg19) (download here)
  2. Align reads to the reference E.coli genome (strain K12, substrain MG1655) (downloaded here).

Both reference genomes should be indexed using bowtie2. For those with access to the Imperial College HPC and the Cebola Lab project space, the reference genomes and index files are available at this path:

The alignments are carried out using bowtie2 with the below arguments. An example script is available here.

Parameters to align human reads:

For mapping of inserts greater than 700bp, increase the -X parameter.

--end-to-end --very-sensitive --no-mixed --no-discordant --phred33 -I 10 -X 700 

If the user is sequencing >25bp, adapters will need to be trimmed using a tool such as fastp, cutadapt or trimmomatic, and the alignment parameters should be adjusted to read:

--local --very-sensitive --no-mixed --no-discordant --phred33 -I 10 -X 700 

Parameters to align E.coli reads:

Fastq files should also be aligned to the E.coli U00096.3 genome (strain K12, substrain MG1655) if downstream normalisation between samples is to be carried out [recommended].

--end-to-end --very-sensitive --no-overlap --no-dovetail --no-mixed --no-discordant --phred33 -I 10 -X 700 

Summaries of the alignment are reported in a .bowtie2 file, for example:

Where 2702260 is the total number of DNA fragments. For CUT&Tag experiments, the total number of mapped fragments (i.e. 96.26% of 2702260 in this example) may be as low as 1 million for experiments probing histone marks. When investigating less abundant transcription factors, for example, this may need to be as high as 10 million mapped fragments.

Post-alignment QC

Assess quality

A bash/R script adapted from the CUT&Tag processing and analysis tutorial is included in this repository to generate a quality report. The information presented includes the % of mapped reads, the % of mitochondrial reads, the % of E.coli reads and the % of duplicate reads. In general, the % of duplicates is expected to be low in a CUT&Tag experiment.

Firstly, the aligned bam file should be sorted and indexed, here using picard tools:

picard SortSam I=.bam O=-sorted.bam SO=coordinate CREATE_INDEX=TRUE 

The % of mitochondrial reads

To assess the total % of mitochondrial reads, run samtools idxstats on your indexed and sorted bam file:

samtools idxstats -sorted.bam > .idxstats 

The following command will show you how many reads align to the mitochondrial chromosome (chrM):

grep "chrM" .idxstats 

Where 16571 is the length of the chromosome and 2464 is the total number of aligned reads.

The % of E.coli reads

The .Ecoli.bowtie2 file shows the % of E.coli reads in the last line, here 0.02%:

The duplication rate

To mark duplicate reads:


The % of duplicates can be viewed using:

head -n 8 -markDup.metrics | cut -f 7,9 | grep -v ^# | tail -n 2 

QC report

A hmtl QC report can be output using qualimap.

qualimap bamqc -bam .filtered.bam -gd hg19 -outdir . -outfile -outformat html 

The qualimap report contains a plot of the DNA insert size, which may be expected to show fragments consistent with multiples of nucleosomal lengths (~180 bp), since CUT&Tag typically inserts adapted on either side of a nucleosome. Shorted particles may result from tagmentation within a chromatin particle, in linker DNA regions, or from a section of DNA bound by a transcription factor, for example. The qualimap plot appears as:

Carry out QC filtering

The aligned data will be filtered to:

Remove mitochondrial reads

samtools view -h -sorted.bam | grep -v chrM | samtools sort -O bam -o .rmChrM.bam -T . 

Remove duplicate reads [optional]

It may be recommended to remove duplicate reads if the % of duplicates is particularly high. To remove duplicate reads, run the following code:

samtools view -h -b -F 1024 .marked.bam > .rmDup.bam 

If IgG controls are used, the duplicate level is expected to be high and duplicates should be removed.

The estimated library size and unique fragment number can be calculated excluding the observed duplicates.

Assess mapping quality

The output sam/bam files contain several measures of quality. First, the alignment quality score. Reads which are uniquely mapped are assigned a high alignment quality score and one genomic position. If reads can map to more than one location, Bowtie2 reports one position and assigns a low quality score. The proportion of uniquely mapped reads can be assessed. In general, >70% uniquely mapped reads is expected, while .sam | cut -f 2 | sort | uniq .

Remove low quality reads

To view how many fragments align with a quality score >30, run:

samtools view -q 30 -c .marked.bam 

This reports the number of DNA reads which align with a quality score >30 (to calculate the number of DNA fragments, divide the output by 2). A low % of uniquely mapped reads may potentially be observed when carrying out a CUT&Tag experiment for a protein which is expected to bind repetitive DNA. Alternatively, this may result from short reads, excessive PCR amplification or problems with the PCR (Bailey et al. 2013). Run the following code to remove reads with a score

samtools view -q 30 -b .rmDup.bam > .filtered.bam 

Convert, calibrate and visualise

In this section, the aligned bam file will be converted to a bed format compatible with downstream analysis tools. If analysing multiple samples, calibration using the carry-over E.coli DNA should be carried out. The output bedGraph can then be visualised.

File conversion

The processed bam file should be converted to BEDPE format. This can be done using bedtools. The BEDPE format is a specialised version of a bed file

The output bam files must be sorted by queryname in order to generate the BEDPE format in the next step. again refers to the your filename/sample ID:

picard SortSam I=.bam O=-sorted.bam SO=queryname CREATE_INDEX=TRUE bedtools bamtobed -i .filtered.bam -bedpe > .bed 

Importantly, the bedtools BEDPE format is slightly different from that required by the downstream tools. The file can be converted using this following code:

bedtools sort .bed > -sorted.bed cut -f 1,2,6 .bed | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n > -converted.bed 


The samples will first be calibrated using the carry-over E.coli DNA (the effective 'spike-in'). In theory, the ratio of primary DNA to E.coli DNA is expected to be the same for each sample. As such, the calibration divides the mapped read count by the total number of reads aligned to the E.coli genome. The proportion of total DNA reads aligned to the E.coli genome is reported in the .Ecoli.bowtie2 output file and can be obtained using:

head -n1 .Ecoli.bowtie2 | cut -d ' ' -f1 

The scaling factor, S, should be calculated as C / the number of E.coli reads, where C is an arbritary multiplier, typically 10,000:

seqdepth=$(head -n1 .Ecoli.bowtie2 | cut -d ' ' -f1) scale_factor=$(echo "10000 / $seqdepth" | bc -l) bedtools genomecov -bg -scale $scale_factor -i -converted.bed -g hg19.chrom.sizes > .bedGraph 

Visualise bedGraph

The normalised bedGraphs can now be visualised, for example on the UCSC browser:


Visualise heatplots and profiles

You can also generate a heatplot to visualise the distribution of your chromatin mark / transcription factor relative to transcription start sites. This will use deeptools (included in the CUTandTAG conda bin). Gene coordinates for the reference genome hg19 were downloaded from UCSC as Gencode V34lift37 (Basic table and bed format). They are saved in this repository as hg19-gene-coordinates.bed .

computeMatrix scale-regions -S .bigWig -R hg19-gene-coordinates.bed --beforeRegionStartLength 3000 --regionBodyLength 5000 --afterRegionStartLength 3000 --missingDataAsZero --skipZeros -o matrix.mat.gz 
plotHeatmap -m matrix.mat.gz -out ExampleHeatmap1.png 

The parameters of plotHeatmap can be adjusted to produce various heatplots:

plotProfile -m matrix.mat.gz -out ExampleProfile1.png 

deeptools can also be used to plot profiles. Different parameters can again be used to achieve different aesthetics:

Convert to bigWig

To convert the bedGraph file to bigWig format, use the following command:

source bedGraphToBigWig .bedgraph hg19.chrom.sizes .bigWig 

The bedGraphToBigWig binary, as downloaded from UCSC tools, is available in this repository.

Peak Calling

Peak calling will be carried out using SEACR, Sparse Enrichment Analysis for CUT&RUN, which is a peak caller specifically designed to handle data with very low background present in CUT&RUN and CUT&Tag experiments. SEACR was described by Meers et al. (2019). SEACR is downloaded as part of this repository, or alternatively can be installed directly from GitHub or used via a web interface.

seacr .bedgraph .bedGraph non stringent _seacr_control.peaks seacr .bedgraph 0.01 non stringent _seacr_top0.01.peaks 

Number of peaks Peak reproducibility Fragment proportion in peak region ( fraction of reads in peaks (FRiPs)) .. measure of signal to noise